Scroll down for the english version (all following versions will be in English)
Wir haben überall auf der Welt Landesnachbarn (ok, die Australier müssen dazu etwas weiter fahren). Doch, von wenigen Ausnahmen abgesehen, haben wir kaum eine Ahnung, was das Land momentan beschäftigt. Oder gar, welche Fernsehshow bekannt sind oder populär.
Mir ist in diesem Zusammenhang eigentlich nicht wichtig, was genau die Gründe für diese Fokussierung auf das eigene Land sind. Vielleicht soziale Hintergründe. Vielleicht die Medien. Lieber möchte ich in diesem Blog die Gelegenheit nutzen, verschiedene Medienlandschaften zu zeigen. Anfangen werde ich mit einer (subjektiven) Sicht auf Deutschland.
Die Idee ist, fünf bekannte, aber nicht unbedingt populäre Dinge (Shows, Musik, Nachrichten) unwillkürlich zusammenzustellen, die viele Menschen in einem Land kennen. Dabei geht es weniger um Bewertung dieser Dinge, als vielmehr um das Vermitteln eines Gefühles, was in einem Land vor sich gehen könnte. Sicherlich besteht die Gefahr einer einseitigen Darstellung, aber eine einseite Darstellung ist immer noch besser als gar keine.
Einblick in Deutschland
Die Shows finden sich weiter unten. Ich habe keine Beschreibung in Deutsch hinzugefügt. Auch die Videos finden sich nur in der englischen Version. Um die zu sehen, musst du einfach runterscrollen.
Die folgenden Beiträge zu diesem Thema werden nur auf Englisch verfasst.
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English Version
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We all have everywhere in the world neighbours to our country (ok, maybe the Australians have to drive a little futher for that). But, with a few exceptions, we have no clue what concerns our neighbours. Or even, which TV show is common known or popular.
I actually don’t care, why we focus so much on our own country. May it be the social community. May it be the media. Honestly, I just want to use the opportunity of this blog to show different media landscapes / environments. I will begin with a (subjective) view on Germany.
See you, see me
The idea is to collect five random things which a lot of people know in one country. Everybody knows this in the country. Maybe it’s a little popular, maybe not. It is not about judging those things. It should be more a presentation of the current situation, medial and social, of a country. Obviously there is a danger of showing not everything, but a little bit is better than nothing. It should be popular enough for some video content, though.
Inside of Germany
- Original title: Wetten, dass…
- Translated: I bet, that…
- Host: Thomas Gottschalk
- Description: This show is a mixture of music, bets and stars. The bets are strange ones like: I can empty a bowl of water faster than my dog, by drinking it in the same style. Every star – which are of course only there to promote their newest book or movie – has to say if the candidate will make it or not. And then, the star has to make something if he or she is wrong. For example, Celine Dion was ought to gurgle My heart will go on. Of course, there is also music and the stars are international. Thomas Gottschalk, the host, is well-known in Germany and has every time a very distinctive dress.
- Original title: TV Total
- Translated: TV Total
- Host: Stefan Raab
- Description: Stefan Raab begun with a show on the music channel Viva. Later on, he created his late night show with funny clips from all the german tv channels. His show evolved and he shows now every weekday, being known by almost every german. National and international guests are invited and play some music. But Stefan Raab is also very, very polarizing. People love or hate him. Which is good for one of his other shows:Schlag den Raab (like: Beat the Raab). A „normal“ guy plays against Stefan Raab 15 games and can win a lot of money. But this is not the only of his crazyshlashgenius ideas: There is a show called Wok-WM (like: Wok-World Championship). Many non-professional stars use woks (yes, used to cook things) to drive down a traditional bobsled track. He made a „real“ casting show and a stock car crash show.
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- Group: Wir sind Helden
- Translated: We are heroes
- Description: They made their own label because no one wanted them. Now, they are very successful and going their own way. Some songs are available in french.
- Original title: Tagesschau
- Translated: Daily view, Daily outlook
- Host: Different (but popular)
- Description: This show is an institution, goes back for years. It shows at 20:00 (8:00pm) only 15 minutes of news and weather. The prime time is still at 20:15 (8:15pm) on almost all german channels!
- History: German history
- Description: We are still coping with our history. Not many german flags are seen in germany, as no one would like to be associated with the bad history. Documentations about Hitler are everywhere (magazines, TV, books).
I wil be back soon with another country!