When working with multiple different products and in turn with many stakeholders with only one team, it proved helpful for us to reflect on the products. Introducing: the Stakeholder Heatmap.
Continue readingNegotiating through the agile world
Negotiation skills are not only handy when closing on a house or buying a new car. Within the agile world and its fast moving parts it can also be helpful to have a more negotiative mindset.
Continue readingRemote Work: Was tun bei Konflikten?
Remote-Konflikte finde ich schwieriger als Konflikte, bei denen man direkt vor Ort ist. Was kann man tun, um Konflikte in Entfernung aufzulösen und zu vermeiden?
Continue readingAgilität und Improv: Überschneidungen für agile Teams
Agilität hat viel mit Bewegung zu tun, auch der Bewegungen des Geistes. Improvisationstheater setzt genau dort an. Wo liegen Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Improv und Agile? Und wo lohnt es sich für Agilist:innen, genauer hinzusehen?
Continue readingRemote-Arbeit: Vergesst nicht das Gespräch am (virtuellen) Kaffeeautomaten!
Beim Wechsel vom Büro ins Remote Home Office gibt es eine vermaledeite Kleinigkeit, die den Informationsfluss stark hemmen kann – der Austausch am Kaffeeautomaten. Gespräche am Kaffeeautomaten sind eine wohltuende Abwechslung zur beruflichen Einspannung, bei der man gerne auch mal ein paar Minuten länger spricht. Menschen sind soziale Wesen und das gibt es auch im beruflichen Alltag immer wieder zu spüren.
Continue readingUsing Date in Talend ETL jobs
One thing that always and again gets my attention is date handling in ETL jobs, especially in Talend and when using file input. It seems to me that sometimes there is no clarity about the concept of date fields and formatting. This post tries to clear things up.
Why meta data is one of the single most important topics in Business Intelligence
Have you ever been working with an internal or external customer who said he just needs this simple Excel into a report? When investigating the process, you find out that there are many undiscovered steps in this process? And you told them that this implementation might take a few days which in turn didn’t make them happy. Could this be avoided?
Using the Eric 6 IDE for Python development – on Windows
It could have been so easy. I have been using Eclipse for a long time when I was still developing Java application. Now I wanted to setup an IDE for Python and to challenge me, I would try a different one – namely Eric. Oh boy, this was a bit more complicated. Took me actually a few hours to find out.
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Accessing the Open Data Portal Hamburg with Python
In a few tutorials which I tried was a very specific dataset being used – the NYC 311 calls dataset. 311 calls in NYC are some sort of support calls to easen the caller rate on the emergency number 911.
There are a lot of people calling this number over the time. The city of New York provides this anonymized caller data via its web page. I tried some stuff with it and liked the idea to work with „real“ data. Also, this dataset from 2010 to 2017 is about 9.5 GB in size – enough to play around with. In fact, I had to take a smaller one, representing only the year 2015 – still about 1.5 GB in size. This all is being provided in csv files.
So I wanted to find out if the city I currently live in, Hamburg, has some kind of data to play around with as well.
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MySQL for Data Vault 2.0 – End Dating Satellites and Performance Measurement
A while ago I wrote about using MySQL as a database for Data Vault 2.0. Now, after some time passed and the dataset grew, it is time for a new evaluation.
Is Data Warehousing Declining? Yes, But!
Technologies and definitions inside of the Business Intelligence trade are changing. Data Warehouses are traditionally the way to generate data for evaluations and reports. But is this changing – and how?
Why SQL Is a Horrible Language (When Analyzing It)
I like patterns. One of the first patterns I learned about was MVC, or Model-View-Controller. For those who don’t know, very roughly: it separates storage logic from presentation logic. When you use it, you have inevitably separate storage and business logic.
SQL does all at once. Oh, boy.
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