This time we are going to take a peek into the media environment of Turkey.
On behalf of my friend, Korhan, here is a non-representable list of common media in Turkey which you never might have heard of. My personal favorite is Uykudan Önce, but see for yourself.
- Original title: Maraton
- Translated: Marathon
- Host: Erman Toroğlu
- Description: How could it be different – one of the common shows is a show about soccer analysis. Erman Toroğlu seems to be a funny host and it is said, that he tells whatever comes to his mind. I have no clue what exactly they are talking about, but I guess there is a connection to soccer. Also this show has a little bit of everything. Oh, and soccer – did I mention that?
- Original title: Uykudan Önce
- Translated: Before Sleep
- Host: Adile Naşit
- Description: This is an old turkish kids show. Adile Teyze (Aunt Adile) tells a story, holding in one hand a glass of milk and in the other one a story book. She reads very agitated while telling the story and drinking her milk. The intro is hilarious – the puppet has even a oldschool-turkish mustache!
- Original title: Duman
- Translated: Smoke
- Description: Music band. A popular turkish rock band. I picked randomly a song.
- Original title: Hürriyet
- Translated: Independence
- Description: Newspaper. The layout of the Hürriyet reminds me a little to the german Bild – letting out any political orientations. Hürriyet seems to be pretty in the middel, altough there are some lefties and righties…
See you soon with a new country to look into!